Meet Kinsella Group at 2023 Fall MedTech Conferences
Kinsella Group will be attending 10 MedTech conferences this fall. Please contact us to secure a private conversation with a member of Kinsella Group at these events.
BIOMEDevice, September 20-21, 2023, at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. BIOMEDevice Boston brings engineers, business leaders, disruptive companies, and innovative thinkers from the region’s top start-ups and medical device OEMs together to inspire the next life-changing medical device. Meet Kinsella Group: Robert Kinsella and Dan Greene
AOFAS, September 20-23, 2023, at Kentucky International Convention Center, Louisville, Kentucky. Colleagues and leaders in orthopaedic foot and ankle surgery for unparalleled education, innovation, and collaboration. Meet Kinsella Group: Curt Jennewine
ASSH, October 5-7, 2023, at Metro Toronto Convention Centre South Building, Toronto, Canada. Meet Kinsella Group: Curt Jennewine
MD&M Minneapolis, October 10-11, 2023, Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, MN. The region’s most comprehensive medical design and manufacturing event. Meet Kinsella Group: Robert Kinsella and Dan Greene
NASS, October 18-21, 2023, Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA. NASS is the source for accurate information on spine conditions, research, treatment, legislation, reimbursement and more. Meet Kinsella Group: Robert Kinsella and Curt Jennewine
OTA, October 19-21, 2023, Seattle Convention Center, Seattle, WA. There will be more than 400 accomplished orthopaedic trauma surgeon presenters/moderators/authors sharing their expertise, experience and perspectives. Meet Kinsella Group: Curt Jennewine
ASPS, October 26-29, 2023, Austin Convention Center, Austin, TX. It is the premier educational and networking event of the year, for both domestic and international plastic surgeons. Meet Kinsella Group: Curt Jennewine
Compamed, November 13-16,2023, Dusseldorf Germany. The leading trade fair for the medical supply industry and for product development. The Compamed takes place in conjunction with the world’s largest medical trade fair Medica. Meet Kinsella Group: David Brooks
BioMed Silicon Valley, November 15-16, 2023, Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, CA. Silicon Valley’s leading MedTech event. Meet Kinsella Group: Robert Kinsella and Dan Greene
Current Concepts in Joint Replacement, December 12-16, 2023, Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress, Orlando FL. A premier educational event- global arthroplasty forum presented by two esteemed academic organizations: The Hip Society and The Knee Society. Meet Kinsella Group: Curt Jennewine
Our approach is decidedly different, personal, and effective. We have had 45 buy-side engagements resulting in 83 LOI’s and 35 closed transactions. In fact, 94% of closed transactions were with companies that were not in a sales process. We put our deep industry experience and network to work to achieve uncommon results.
Representative Acquisition Search clients include: Avalign, Burke Porter Group, Eloquest, Elos Medtech, Marle, Schivo, Stille, Tecomet, and Teleflex.
Please contact us to arrange for a confidential time to talk about your MedTech business goals.