MedTech Insights and Expertise

Daniel Greene is a Managing Director with Kinsella Group.  Throughout his time at Kinsella Group, Dan has combined his financial acumen and his mergers and acquisitions expertise to help MedTech organizations scale, position their business for sale, and pursue growth capital. In this article, Dan shares his journey at Kinsella Group, the traits he feels are advantageous for a mergers and acquisitions professional, and personal preference for one of Chicago’s great sports team.


How did you first experience the benefits of M&A?

Several years after graduating college, I was working for a division of the Dial Corporation.  I was hired at a time when the company was considering an acquisition strategy as a method of continuous growth, which as a public company, was mandated.  While our organic sales strategy was producing results, the executive team wanted to pursue acquisitions to grow revenues and acquire the industry’s best talent. As part of corporate development, our company targeted organizations that would provide strategic advantages such as access to market segments, economies of scale, geographic advantage, production capabilities and access to talent.  We were successful in finding companies that worked better together than apart, exceeding our financial and operational goals.


What traits do you feel are advantageous as an M&A professional?

In addition to financial acumen and understanding the functional areas of a business, there are soft skills that must be deployed to obtain information important to moving deals forward.  Listening is first and foremost.  Not every seller is seeking top dollar regardless of the buyer. We often experience this with successful entrepreneurs that have built highly effective teams and do not want to see this work dismantled after exiting the business.  Next, trust building is essential in all negotiations.  Building trust and communicating candidly are additional traits that help in buy-side M&A work.  Lastly, I would say using past M&A experience to communicate the benefits of the organizations coming together.  At Kinsella Group, we pursue targets that would work better with our clients than apart.


How did you and Robert Kinsella cross paths?

Bob and I were introduced through a Kinsella Group client that was successful in selling his business.  I was performing buy-side work at another M&A firm in the manufacturing and business services sectors.  Bob and I stayed in touch over several years.  Wanting to work on more complex, sizable deals, I met with Bob to discuss if there would be mutual benefit in working together.  Working at Kinsella Group has been a highlight of my M&A career.  We have a great team, all experienced in MedTech M&A, that enjoys collaboration.


What is something people would be surprised to learn about you?

While so much of my career has been working in M&A, I have served in roles such as Controller, CFO and COO.  This experience has definitely benefitted my M&A work.  In addition to reviewing and analyzing financial information, I continuously evaluated and managed the financial and personnel resources of growing organizations.  This experience has allowed me to present both the financial and operational benefits of acquisition opportunities.


You live outside of Chicago, a competitive sports city.  Do you have a favorite team?

I grew up on the Southside of Chicago.  For better or for worse, I am a devoted Chicago White Sox fan.  My dad brought my brother and I to many games at the old Comiskey Park when we were kids which is where I developed a love of baseball and the White Sox.


Learn more about Daniel Greene and how he can help your MedTech business.  Please connect directly with Daniel Greene here.



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